ILCSWMA is the voice for local solid waste management officials

No matter if you are a planner, inspector, educator, facility operator, or an elected official. ILCSWMA can benefit you and your organization.


Illinois Counties Solid Waste Management Association was established in 1993. ILCSWMA is a not-for-profit professional association
for local-level solid waste management professionals and other interested parties.


We Love Our Members

Our membership is made up of regional groups, affiliate organizations, sponsors, premier partners, and lifetime honorary members. As a member, you’ll enjoy access to a variety of valuable benefits, many of which are highlighted here.

Illinois Solid Waste News

The periodic ILCSWMA newsletter provides members with timely and informative articles on solid waste management activities in Illinois.

Legislative Updates

Provide members with background on pending state and federal legislation that could potentially impact their programs.

Regional Meetings

A place where members can connect, exchange ideas, and stay informed about the latest programs, activities, and developments through updates, tours, and featured speakers.


Events cover topics relevant to ILCSWMA members, including our Annual Conference, with past events highlighting pollution control facility siting, solid waste enforcement, and education initiatives.


ILCSWMA 2025 Conference

October 14 & 15 at the Embassy Suites in East Peoria, IL



december 2024 Newsletter

December 2024 Newsletter

We’re closing this year out with a great newsletter that includes a conference wrap up and lots of other need to know news and highlights of exciting things to come in the new year.

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Why Join?

Whether you’re a planner, inspector, educator, facility operator, or elected official, ILCSWMA provides invaluable resources and connections to support your work. By joining, you gain access to expert insights, networking opportunities, professional development events, and tools to enhance your organization’s effectiveness and impact in the field of solid waste management.